Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A different kind of post
A few videos to share.......
Here are some videos we have collected over the past 2 weeks or so.... I cannot begin to tell you how much the kiddos have changed since they turned 1 and its only been a month!! We now have much more interaction with "words" (babbling), much more attitude and tantrums, and sweet things such as hugs and kisses that are blown from their sweet little faces. Back when they were small we thought we were busy..............YEAH RIGHT!!!! Our days never stop until our little munchkins are sleeping and even then we are busy cleaning, doing laundry, washing dishes, filling out baby books, blogging and trying to make time to be a couple! They are constantly "getting in to things" so we have baby proofed the house many times, everyday there is something new to put away that caught their attention or to block off. We now have our entire kitchen blocked off thanks to Mr. Blake literally climbing the oven door trying to get on top of the counters!! Of course Ben and Brooke follow Blake's every move, they already work so well as a team together against us!! lol! Enjoy the movies!!!
Blake trying to be Spiderman!
Brooklynn using some special skills.
Ben showing off some cool moves