Thursday, October 8, 2009

28 weeks 4 days

Well me and the babies are still hanging in there strong! I was able to have a very nice chat with Dr. Hill and we probably won't go past 33 weeks, so in the next 4 1/2 weeks our babies will be here!!!! I feel like it is so surreal, sometimes I look at my belly and cannot believe that Carl and I created 3 Beautiful miracles! I still feel like a grow more and more by the hour, lol! My belly was doing very well handing the the stretching but over the past 2 weeks or so I have gotten 3 stretch marks which is not so bad compared to some of the pictures I have seen of other triplet pregnancies, I just think of them as love marks from our TRIO!!! I am getting anxious for our growth scan next week, hoping that they are all still gaining alot of weight which with how much I have stretched and grown in the past 2 weeks, I have no doubt! =0) Hopefully during the growth scan the babies cooperate and we get some cute pictures to put up! Love you Ben, Brooke & Blake

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