Friday, September 18, 2009

Tonight was like Christmas morning!

Ok so today we are 25 weeks and 4 days and we were finally moved back to the "stable" floor yesterday morning. We got a visit this evening from our team of Dr's, and we were told that I no longer HAD to stay in bed all the time!!! I am able to leave the room twice a day for an hour or two, I can also shower everyday, and use the toilet!!!!!! Ben, Brooke and Blake are doing fabulous, moving ALL THE TIME!!!!!
Here is whats new with the babies......
Benjamin is still head down like he has been since about week 15, his head is VERY low and his feet curve to the left side of my belly. Brooklynn completely flipped over and is now head up with her feet down by Ben's head. Blake also flipped and is now head down by Ben's feet and his feet are up by my rib cage. We are excited for our next growth scan to see how much they weigh, should be around 27 weeks. I had been doing alot of complaining lately about being on bedrest mostly because I am just so tired. I did ALOT of thinking yesterday and I am truly blessed to really have no other issues except that my cervix has disappeared, I now spend my days thinking I am doing a great job just carrying these babies as long as I can! Carl has truly been my saviour throught this last 6 weeks that I have been "stuck" on bedrest, I could not do it without him here. He is going to make the best daddy ever!

Now we just sit and wait for our miracles to arrive!!!!!!

Mommy and Daddy love you guys!

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